The summer before the last... back when little Ethan was actually a little baby, I went to the Parker County Peach Festival with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law... and five purchases were made {that I can remember...}
1. my mother-in-law bought a cool hat from one of those guys that dip in in water, you pick out the brim, etc., etc. I thought it was cool but would have looked goofy on me... You know the kind of hats I am talking about??
2. sausages that were super yummy...
3. a pickled squash relish that I thought was the most delightful creation to ever be canned...
4. an overpriced oilcloth bib that was different than any I had ever seen...
5. peaches
Now, as delightful as that pickled squash relish was, I am not blogging about it today. {although...hmm...maybe I should learn to make something similar...}
I am blogging about the bib. It was $20ish {uh... too much for a bib!!} and adorable... Grammy got it for her house... which was great, because prior to the bib, Ethan was coming home from there quite stained up. But if it were me buying the bib... I just didn't think I could do it... because it was oilcloth. And when food hits an oilcloth bib... it just slides down... this is something no one clued me in on before motherhood. Oilcloth bib = clean shirt, stained pants
So later on, I borrowed the bib, and took it to my mother, because I wanted her to make me a bunch of them... with cotton and terry cloth. I loved the design... wide shoulders and a snap! And long! So she made me a few, and then she made me some for gifts...
And then today, I decided... I can figure out this bib thing. So I did. And here it is. A gift for a friend's sip and see this weekend. It was really easy! And fun! And I made a matching burp cloth. And I love-love-love these little cowpokes...

I think I know a little bundle of joy arriving soon in the Houston area that will need one of these... even though it will be a while until he is enjoying baby food!
The bib is precious!!