i have come a long way.
last year, i did nothing for halloween. seriously. i went to hobby lobby and then went to my mother-in-law's house and ate pizza.
this year was a different story altogether.
first, i must point out that i didn't procrastinate to the max, and actually had a costume for ethan weeks before halloween. thank you very much costco.
we had time to try the costume out a little. he had time to break it in... he ended up wanting to wear it all the time, and i had to put it up so that it would all be in one piece once we needed it.
we even went "trunk or treating" the weekend before halloween {and tagged along with ethan's 3 sweet girlfriends} ethan learned the art of trick or treating...
so the evening of halloween, we were all ready. i have a sweet friend that invited us to join her family and friends on a hay-ride trick or treat extravaganza, complete with a chili dinner pre-party. we had a lot of fun.
ethan enjoyed his pirate costume
and his little parrot sidekick.
**** i really must be somewhat honest though, and tell you that savannah's costume was crafted the week of halloween. and i might have stayed up to an ungodly hour working on it. and faustino might have told me that her headpiece made her look like a ranger's fan wearing a yield sign. so we might have just been working on the hat portion of her costume a couple hours before we needed to leave. i will also say that faustino's superior craftsmanship of the parrot beak was the best part of the costume. he saved the day. just didn't want you to think that i was a super star. i'm not. ****
i did try to make sure that her gumdrop paci matched her costume. i know, i'm a weirdo.
she wanted his sword...
he said "arrgg" or something like it...
she was in her own parrot world
we had quite a good time. savannah wasn't too fussy {we were past her bedtime} and ethan was only scared twice. and not too badly. very brave and tough! he was the most worried about the truck/trailer circling around to join us down the street while we were out trick or treating -- i think he was worried we would be stranded.
aren't his little girlfriends cute??
and isn't it completely rare that we have a family photo??
we concluded the night by lighting our jack 'o lanterns. daddy even let him have a sucker {mommy never lets him have a sucker}
the only real puzzle of the evening was when i realized {once we got home} that somewhere between the trailer of hay and our car, the trick or treat bag disappeared. definitely a trick, not a treat.
and then, after the kids were down for the night, at 9:45, kids knocked on our door {to be fair, our pumpkins were lit} but seriously?? what were their parents thinking??? yikes.
i hope that you had a wonderful halloween. and i hope that you are eating all of your kids' candy...