Two little things from the past week to be thankful for:
1. Our neighbor lets us put our overflow trash and recyclables in his bins. Really, this is a wonderful thing. Especially if you overslept through your alarm last trash day and missed it. It is also nice around holidays. Or when company comes. Or when I decide to purge things.
2. Our bathroom sink hot water decided to come back. Previously, it was just a little trickle of hot water that took ten minutes to heat up. (Sadly, not too dissimilar to our kitchen sink) And then, for no apparent reason, it got better. Now, it it isn't back 100%... but maybe 50 or 60%. And I can live with that. Really, that might have made my whole week.
Also, Joley, thank you for the orange pledge suggestion. I pledged my floors, even though the bottle says not to... and it was such pure bliss...
So much more to do still... I want to be done by the end of the coming week, and cook next weekend. Then, I want to do nothing while Faustino is out of town (please, Lord, do not let me go into labor with my husband out of town) and then I can have the baby after he gets home and takes call. Monday the 19th is what I am shooting for (or later) so could you all just say little prayers that God thinks my little plan is okay? Thanks. (I am due May 5th, but don't think I will make it - have you seen me?? Plus Ethan was 10 days early, and he was 8.5 lbs.)
More later... gotta cook my homemade pizza. Mmm....
Happy Easter!